Sommelier- wine waiter
Artichaut- artichoke
Assiette- plate
Assiette a potage- soup plate
Aubergine- eggplant
Abats- organs like kidney, heart
Aboyer- the person who announces kitchen order
Aliment- food
Anchois- anchovy
Bain marie- hot water well or bath for keeping food at constant temperature.
Beurre- butter
Blancher- to blanch
Ble- wheat
Bouillon- stock
Bouteille- bottle
Carte des vins- wine list
Caviar- roe (egg) of sturgeon fish
Cendrier- ashtray
Champignon- mushroom
Citron- lemon
Corbeille a pain- bread basket
Couteau- knife
Courvert- a cover
Crabe- a shell fish ‘Crab’
Crème- cream
Cuillere- spoon
Croutons- cubes of fried bread
Cuisine- kitchen
Dejeuner- lunch
Diner- dinner
Eau- water
Echalote- shallots
Entrecote- sirloin (beef)
Escargot- snails
Farine- flour
Foie- liver
Fourchette- fork
Fromage- cheese
Hier- yesterday
Huitre- oyster
Jour- day
Jus- juice
Lait- milk
Legumes- vegetables
Louche- ladle
Maitre d hotel- head waiter
Mouton- mutton
Nappe- table cloth
Nom- name
Oeuf- egg
Oeuf brouilles- scrambled egg
Oignon- onion
Pain- bread
Pince a sucre- sugar tongs
Plateau- tray
Pomme de terre- potato
Pomme- apple
Pot a eau- water jug
Porte cure-dents- tooth pick holder
Bot biere- beer mug
Poulet- chicken
Radis- radish
Sale a manager- dining room
Sauciere- sauce boat
Sel- salt
Soucoupe- saucer
Sucre- sugar
Tapis- cloth
Tasse- cup
Demi-tasse- coffee cup
The- tea
Tomate- tomato
Vase a fleur-flower vase
Veau- veal
Verre- glass
Allumette- matchstick
Trancheur- carver
Pamplemousse- grapefruit
Chou fleur - cauliflower
Dinde- turkey
Tomato juice- jus de tomate
Crème au champignons- cream of mushroom
Roast turkey- oie roti
Fresh fruit basket- lepanier des fruits fraiche
cocktail au florida- cocktail florida
boeuf, curi et ris- beef, curry, and rice
lapin- rabbit
cerf- deer
hote- host